Job Description Templates
The University introduced a new compensation program for Non-Represented, Non-Academic Employees called the Non-Represented A/P (Administrative/Professional) Merit Program. This program was the result of a comprehensive study conducted by Total Compensation & Wellness (2005-2007) which explored replacements to the current Hay compensation system. Working with an outside consultant, Total Compensation and Wellness held interviews, convened focus groups, and conducted a benchmark salary survey of WSU jobs.
During the implementation of this program, the "business manager" positions which fluctuated in classification and title across Schools, Colleges and Divisions (SCD), were given a consistent classification and title of either Director of Business Affairs or Associate Director of Business Affairs. While there are a few justified outlier positions on campus that do not carry this title, the majority of positions conform to this consistent approach.
In FY2009, a consistent job description template was implemented for use by all SCDs when creating or posting a vacant Director of Business Affairs or Associate Director of Business Affairs position. This template was designed to identify the core or essential functions of these positions which include financial and budget management, human resource management and general administration. In addition, SCDs using this template may add additional, unique responsibilities to their particular job description for this position when using it to post a new or vacant position.
This position description template should be used in conjunction with the position posting or creation process administered by Human Resources Total Compensation & Wellness unit.